A completely agnostic JavaScript framework to apply Flux concepts into your interfaces easily.

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What is Delorean.js?

DeLorean is a tiny Flux pattern implementation.
  • Unidirectional data flow, it makes your app logic simpler than MVC,
  • Automatically listens to data changes and keeps your data updated,
  • Makes data more consistent across your whole application,
  • It's framework agnostic, completely. There's no view framework dependency.
  • Very small, just 4K gzipped.
  • Built-in React.js integration, easy to use with Flight.js and Ractive.js and probably all others.
  • Improve your UI/data consistency using rollbacks.


You can install DeLorean with Bower:

bower install delorean

You can also install by NPM to use with Browserify (recommended)

npm install delorean.js


Hipster way:

var Flux = require('delorean.js').Flux; // ...

Old-skool way:

<script src="//rawgit.com/f/delorean/master/dist/delorean.min.js"></script> <script> var Flux = DeLorean.Flux; // ... </script>


/* * Stores are simple data buckets which manages data. */ var Store = Flux.createStore({ data: null, setData: function (data) { this.data = data; this.emit('change'); }, actions: { 'incoming-data': 'setData' } }); var store = new Store(); /* * Dispatcher are simple action dispatchers for stores. * Stores handle the related action. */ var Dispatcher = Flux.createDispatcher({ setData: function (data) { this.dispatch('incoming-data', data); }, getStores: function () { return {increment: store}; } }); /* * Action Creators are simple controllers. They are simple functions. * They talk to dispatchers. They are not required. */ var Actions = { setData: function (data) { Dispatcher.setData(data); } }; // The data cycle. store.onChange(function () { // End of data cycle. document.getElementById('result').innerText = store.store.data; }); document.getElementById('dataChanger').onclick = function () { // Start data cycle: Actions.setData(Math.random()); }; Run this example on JSFiddle


You can read the tutorial to learn how to start using DeLorean.js with your favorite framework.

Running the TodoMVC example

There is a simple TodoMVC example working with DeLorean.js

cd examples/todomvc grunt open index.html


The flux capacitor was the core component of Doctor Emmett Brown's DeLorean time machine